The Real Reason Most People Suck At Time-management

We have been told the wrong definition of time-management.

What comes first to your mind when you think about time-management?

Well, technically, we think we have to manage our time and create To-Do lists, and blah blah blah…

Those things are nice.

But we forget one thing: The Human Mind.

We are clever at fooling ourselves. And we don’t realize our nature to seek instant gratification.

So, it doesn’t matter what’s there in your To-Do list, if you don’t understand how to manage your mind, and you don’t have lots of willpower, you’re going to waste time in any case.

The keyword here is: “Mind management.”

So time-management isn’t really about managing time, it’s more about being wise at managing our mind.

Only and only then those time-management techniques will work properly.

If the mind is agitated, running in all directions, you won’t be able to focus.

Therefore, save your energy, do proper planning keeping your behavior in mind, and create To-Do lists accordingly.

Remember, we are sophisticated machines, we frequently override our own algorithms. And we don’t keep our word all the time.

Do the real time-management!

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